Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Duson, LA

OK, OK, I've been roundly and soundly rebuked for failure to keep up our travelogue. So I'm trying ANOTHER new tool. As usual, I work under the theory that if it's easy enough, maybe I'll keep up with it.

Anyway, it's about time I entered the "blogosphere." (Have you seen the new T-shirt with Samuel L. Jackson, pointing a pistol, with the quote, "Say blogosphere again..."? As usual, I'm a dollar short and a day late.)

It's not as if I don't have excuses ... at least recently, anyway. For those who don't know, I tripped over Murphy's dog food dish in early October, fell into the refrigerator, broke my right humerus in two places, up high near the shoulder. So for about six weeks, typing was a miserably slow, painful, left-handed affair. In fact, standing, sitting, lying down, walking -- all were miserably slow, painful affairs.

Broken bones suck. As Cory's Aunt Eva said, "The girl has to learn to look down."

Anyway, my resolution for '07 -- keep in touch. And keep my feet under me. The camera is charging.

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